How To Train Your Body to Get You High...or at least feeling really damn good.


If I am being honest I still chase the high.  I am looking in every corner to try to get that feeling of loose limbs and a free mind. The feeling I had after just two drinks when my body was flooded with an extra dose of dopamine.  Sometimes it feels like it was the one and only time that I was able to really let go.  It was that period of bliss right in between a long day of anxiety and before getting too drunk.  Probably the place where some people can enjoy themselves and then stop drinking. 

But that flood of good feeling chemicals was actually a misfire and when it came time for my body to do it’s thing without the alcohol it couldn’t.  Or, better said, it couldn’t as easily- leaving me wanting another drink…and then another.

Even though I somewhat understand the science I still miss the rush of chemicals.  I mourn the loss of that bliss.  So I have been on a quest to get high without getting low. Over time, as my body has healed, I think I’ve finally learned how.

Running. If you live in my neighborhood and  you see me running you probably feel confused.  You might be wondering is she talking to herself or is that singing?  Is she crying?  Is she dancing?

Running is my happy place.  The amount of goodness that comes from my runs gives me a feeling of being high.  I can float my legs, free my mind, and sometimes I get close to blacking out.  Not a far cry from how I felt when I was drinking.  The difference is that instead of having a 3 day hangover I am left with an overwhelming feeling of peace.

I’m not suggesting that if you start running today you will automatically feel high. But I am suggesting that you move your body!  Exercise is a proven fix for so many bad feelings. Unfortunately, our society has placed so much emphasis on weight and body image that we have turned the idea of exercise into a punishment for food instead of the beautiful form of self care that it really is.  

Exercise can help improve your mood, decrease stress, and increase sleep. Yes please!  Why do we resist it as a tool?  Why do we decline our body of having that natural rush of warm and fuzzy goodness?  

Make the time.  Don’t overthink it.  It’s not about diet and has nothing to do with food.  Now, sit back and watch as your brain thanks you.

Meditation.  I know I know.  Look, meditation is probably not what you think.  It is NOT sitting still and trying to free your mind.  That sounds awful and also impossible.  I once heard someone describe that as trying to sit and stop your heart from beating.  

I don’t follow any kind of specific protocol and I kind of mixed together some different concepts to make it work for me.  I committed to it and then just sat through the difficult times.  I practiced.  I listened.  

I simply go outside (nature is amazing at creating highs), sit down, and connect with the universe.  I notice my thoughts and I envision them coming in and out like ocean waves.  As I watch them float away I can literally feel a warmth wash over me that is somewhat indescribable.  Does this sound woo woo? It is and that is exactly why you should do it!

In order to know what your body and mind need you must sit and listen.  Give yourself time to be present and see what happens.  Feeling wind on your face or your body heat up with the sun beating down on you is such an amazing experience.  The Earth is giving us all of these amazing benefits but we’ve busied ourselves too much to notice.  What a damn shame!

Music.  Would you believe that there was a time in my life that when I heard a good song I would turn it down and make a mental note to listen to it later “when I am having fun.”  WTF!!!!  I thought music and drinking went hand in hand and if I wasn’t drinking or getting ready to drink I wouldn’t fully engage in one of my favorite things.  In fact, I thought I would never really be able to enjoy live music again.  I was so terribly wrong about this!  

I listen to music constantly now. I love the feelings of joy, excitement, memories, and sometimes sadness.  It really moves me and I have learned to feel the feels.  I don’t resist them.  It’s good practice for daily living because being vulnerable is how you become alive. Music has a way of breaking down walls and opening your heart.

Side note- live music and concerts are so much better alcohol free because I can be present, remember, and pay attention.  

Trust me on this one.  Get out of your head and listen to your songs (preferably very loud).  They will heal you.  Don’t believe me?  Go play a child’s favorite song with them and watch as the joy takes over.

We live in a time of constant stimulation and busyness.  We are being sold to and influenced all day long.  Some of the messages are positive but others leave us with a feeling that we are not good enough, wise enough, and that we don’t have what it takes.  I call bull shit.  You do have what it takes but you’re going to have to stop the noise and get quiet enough to hear what your body is saying to you.  


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