Workshops & Events

Samantha’s influential workshops are offered to both organizations and individuals.

Influenced Workshop

Influenced will help individuals notice the constant promotion of alcohol through music, movies, shows, ads, and social media.

After becoming certified to teach Drunk on Film from University of Notre Dame, Samantha created her own workshop that shines light on the role that media plays in our ideas around drinking.

In this workshop, you will…

  • Explore how music, film, TV, and social media play a role in shaping our perspective of alcohol

  • Learn to identify when you are being influenced by songs, movies, shows, and more

  • Myth bust ideas that are perpetuated in media

  • Learn tools to combat influence and develop informed consent

This workshop will be offered again soon.

Sign up for the waitlist here.

Unlock the power of words workshop

You want to be a writer but……

You’re just not sure it’s for you. You have no training or professional writing skills. You don’t know where you’d write or how to start.

The answer is simple, just start writing. But we sometimes need more. I know I did. I hired a writing coach and worked in a daily writing group for almost two years.

If you are dying to write, I’d love to help you get started.

This is a six part workshop (individual virtually or in person group)on…

  • how to get started,

  • answering your questions,

  • starting your first writing project,

  • and more.

This workshop will be offered again soon.

Sign up for the waitlist here.