Samantha Perkins

Samantha Perkins


Today's Woman Logo
TedX Logo
Her View From Home Logo
Authority Magazine Logo
One Day at a Time Podcast Logo

This is my story…

Explore Your Relationship with Alcohol Journal

My Journey of Becoming Alcohol-Free

Read all about how I became Alive AF (Alcohol Free), and found the tools to rebuild a life full of love, support and genuine human connection. And kale. Pounds of kale.

Alive AF Book Cover

Workshops & Events

Influenced Workshop

A workshop that shines light on the role that media plays in our ideas around drinking.

Unlock the power of words workshop

A 6 part workshop to help you start your writing project.

Women Who Thrive in Louisville KY

Retreat from the busyness of everyday life and reconnect to your natural rhythm.

Popular Blog Posts

My recent writing happens on Substack.